Každá hra má svoj slang. Takisto aj lineage2. Bez nich asi nikomu rozumieť nebudete.
GM – Game Master
EM - Event Master
PK - Player Killer
PvP - Player vs Player
PvE - Player vs Environment
- a - Adena
- aa - Ancient adena
- ------------------------------
- 100k - 100.000a - (sto tisíc aden)
- 100kk - 100.000.000a - (sto miliónov aden)
- 100kkk - - (sto miliárd aden)
- -----------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------Ostatné pojmy--------------------------------------------------------
pm - private message
j/jj - ano
k/kk - OK
lag - dlhá odozva od servera
WTB - Want to Buy, kúpim
WTS - Want to Sell, predám
WTT - Want to Trade, vymením
WTC - Want to Craft, Chcem vycraftit / vyrobit
CWH - Clan WareHouse
WH - WareHouse
BS - Blacksmith
soe - Scroll of Escape
res - Scroll Of Ressurection
SB - Spellbook
SS - Soulshots
SPS - Spiritshots
BSPS - Blessed Spiritshots
SP - skill points
XP/exp - Experience
RB - Raid Boss
bufer - Charakter, ktorý je výnimočný svojimi podpornými kúzlami pre iné charaktery ( SE,EE,WC,OL,PP,Bishop )
craft - Crafter, výrobca alebo kováč, synonymum pre povolanie Warsmith (Artisan)
spoil - Spoiler, synonymum pre povolanie Bounty Hunter (Scavenger)
nick - meno, ktoré hráč používa v hre
noob - označenie začiatočníka, alebo hráča bez zkúseností
NG, DG, CG, BG, AG, SG - Grade = trieda (N, D, C, B, A, S)
DC, BC, CC, AC, SC - Crystal (D, C, B, A, S)
ewd, ewc, ewb, ewa ews - Enchant Weapon D, C, B, A, S
ead, eac, eab, eaa, eas - Enchant Armor D, C, B, A, S
bewd, bewc, bewb, bewa, bews - Blessed Enchant Weapon D, C, B, A, S
bead, beac, beab, beaa, beas - Blessed Enchant Armor D, C, B, A, S
grat/cg/gz - Congratulation (gratulujem)
w8 - wait (počkaj)
PLS - please (prosim)
THX - thanks (ďakujem)
NP - no problem (žiadny problém)
NZ - neni zač, alebo rád som pomohol
GL - Good luck (vela stastia)
GF - Good fight (dobrý zápas)
AFK - Away From Keyboard (som mimo počítača)
BRB - Be right back (hned som späť)
BTW - By the way (Mimochodom)
OMG - Oh my God (Panebože)
ROTFL/ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing (Od smiechu sa váľam po zemi)
LOL - laughing out loud (Smejem sa na celé kolo)
RULEZZZ - (napr. Genius rulez - hráč Genius je dobrý)
- AS - Angel Slayer
- SS - Saint Spear
- AM - Arcana Mace
- DS - Dragon Slayer / Demon Splinter
- HD - Heaven's Dividier
- DB - Draconic Bow
- BBH - Basalt Battle Hammer
- FB - Forgotten Blade
- aoba - Art of Battle Axe
- SoES - Staff of Evil Spirits
MDT/MRT- Monster Derby Track (C4), Monster race track (C5)
TI/TIV - Talking Island Village
EV - Enchanted Valley
DEV - Dark Elven Village
HV - Hunters Village
RoD, RoA - Ruins Of Despair/Agony
EG - Execution Ground
DV - Dragon Valley
FoS - Field of Silence
LoA - Lair of Antharas
ToI - Tower Of Insolence
GC - The Giant's Cave
FG - The Forbidden gateway
BS - Blazing Swamp
WoA - Wall of Argos
VoS - Valley of Saints
IT - Imperial Tomb
HC - Heretics Catacombs
PI - Primieval isle
HS - Hot Springs
Mos - Monastery of Silence
IoP - Isle of Prayer
SoD - Seed of Destruction
SoI - Seed of Infinity
SoA - Seed of Annihaliaton
--------------------------------------------------------Skilli / buffy--------------------------------------------------------
ww - Wind Walk
vr - Vampiric Rage
zerk - Berserker Spirit
dw - Death Whisper
btb - Bless The Body
bts - Bless The Soul
cdl - Curse Death Link
AoE - area of effect - plosne kuzlo/skill
DoT - damage over time - kuzla, ktore uberaju postupne HP alebo MP (poison,bleed)
cov - Chant of Victory
PP - Prophet
bish - Bishop
TH - Treasure Hunter
sorc - Sorcerer
glad - Gladiator
DA - Dark Avenger
TK - Temple Knight
sws - Swordsinger
PW - Plains Walker
SR - Silver Ranger
ES - Elemental Summoner
sps - Spellsinger
EE - Elven Elder
SK - Shilien Knight
BD - Bladedancer
SH - Spellhowler
SE - Shilien Elder
PS - Phantom Summoner
AW - Abyss Walker
PR - Phantom Ranger
OL - Overlord
WC - Warcryer
BH / spoil - Bountyhunter
WS - Warsmith
HE - Hawkeye
Necro - Necromancer
sliepka - kamael
čorka - Soul Breaker